VW vans impress NHS Highland estates

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NHS Highland Estates scales new heights with Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles-63750(1)
VW vans meet all of the high demands from NHS Highland Estates

When you are responsible for delivering urgent medical care in some of the most remote parts of the UK, then for one organisation only a VW van will do.

Now NHS Highland has boosted its van fleet with seven new VW vans after bosses there were impressed with the levels of efficiency and reliability from the vehicles.

The new vehicles are a mix of the VW Caddy, VW Amarok and VW Transporter.

The new VW vans will be used to cover an area of 10,000 square miles that incorporates rugged mountain terrain.

Healthcare provider opts for VW vans

NHS Highland Estates is responsible for the maintenance of healthcare facilities across this remote region and some urgent journeys have to be made on challenging roads and in rough weather conditions.

This means that high demands are made on its fleet of commercial vehicles and with positive experiences of VW vans, the organisation was keen to add to their fleet.

Their current fleet consists of the VW Caddys, Transporters and Caddy Maxis.

Among the new additions are two vehicles with excellent off-road abilities in the VW Amarok and the VW Transporter 4Motion. These vehicles have also been specifically engineered to deal with the terrain that the drivers deal with on a daily basis.

Support 24/7 for VW vans

Another key attraction for choosing VW vans was its extensive after sales support and a commitment to keep the NHS team on the road 24/7.

In addition, the service as also decided to use VW’s BlueMotion technology to help increase its fuel economy and for the low CO2 emissions to help reduce its carbon footprint.

NHS Highland Estate’s maintenance manager, Main Magnis, said: “Reliability and efficiency are of great importance when sourcing new vehicles for the fleet since our work is vital to servicing healthcare facilities in some of Scotland’s remotest areas.

“When taking value for money into account, VW vans emerged as our number one choice.”